Internal Server Error but logs do not show any errros

Hey there,

I’m currently trying to setup the latest version of seafile community 8.0.7 but I’m always getting an “Internal Server Error”.

First i was thinking that something with my nginx might be wrong, but I also tried to allow direct connections and changed

bind = ""

But accession the server via IP:PORT shows the same error as before.

So I checked all logs (nginx and seafile/seahub from they server directory) but i did not find a single error.

Anyone else experiencing similar issues or has something else I could check for?

Thanks for your replys!

You can add “DEBUG=True” in, then restarting the server. After this, you will see the detailed message in the browser.

Thanks a lot for your reply Danial,
I followed your instructions and was able to point down the issue and solve it.

I really appreciate your help!

Could you mark the topic as solved?