seadrive was working fine, but i had to hard reboot my mac sonoma due to a crashed app. version 3.0.9. upon restart, my seadrive starting exhibiting the following errors:
[05/27/24 02:43:01] start to serve on pipe client
[05/27/24 02:43:01] repo-mgr.c(3561): adding account http://seafile <redacted>.
[05/27/24 02:43:01] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT i.identifier, w.identifier, i.parent, i.repo_id, i.path, w.mtime, w.size, w.is_dir, w.commit_version, w.obj_id FROM IdMap i LEFT JOIN WorkingSet w ON i.identifier=w.identifier WHERE i.domain_id = '7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' AND i.parent = 'NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier'
[05/27/24 02:43:01] workingset-mgr.c(584): Failed to get workingset entries by domain 7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719.
[05/27/24 02:43:01] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT anchor FROM SyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(2337): Cloning repo Games(9755c0a2-ee8e-4365-b933-a32da5d4eff8).
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Games' sync state transition from 'synchronized' to 'get token'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(2337): Cloning repo Books(d9363843-30af-492f-8e34-243973249677).
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Books' sync state transition from 'synchronized' to 'get token'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Games' sync state transition from 'get token' to 'downloading'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(5575): Download with HTTP sync protocol version 2.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo '9755c0a2': ('normal', 'init') --> ('normal', 'check')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Books' sync state transition from 'get token' to 'downloading'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(5575): Download with HTTP sync protocol version 2.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo 'd9363843': ('normal', 'init') --> ('normal', 'check')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo '9755c0a2': ('normal', 'check') --> ('normal', 'commit')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo '9755c0a2': ('normal', 'commit') --> ('normal', 'fs')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo '9755c0a2': ('normal', 'fs') --> ('finished', 'finished')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Games' sync state transition from 'downloading' to 'load repo'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Games' sync state transition from 'load repo' to 'synchronized'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo 'd9363843': ('normal', 'check') --> ('normal', 'commit')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo 'd9363843': ('normal', 'commit') --> ('normal', 'fs')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] http-tx-mgr.c(1342): Transfer repo 'd9363843': ('normal', 'fs') --> ('finished', 'finished')
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Books' sync state transition from 'downloading' to 'load repo'.
[05/27/24 02:43:03] sync-mgr.c(1026): Repo 'Books' sync state transition from 'load repo' to 'synchronized'.
[05/27/24 02:43:04] sync-mgr.c(2062): All repo fs trees are loaded.
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT 1 FROM SyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' AND anchor='C8E00D3F-C6B9-4396-B730-A7F6B1F1A9F8'
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO SyncAnchor (domain_id, anchor, commit_versions) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', 'C8E00D3F-C6B9-4396-B730-A7F6B1F1A9F8', '{"d9363843-30af-492f-8e34-243973249677":"bbb445ac5d348b24e050890d4534557261e0a96c","9755c0a2-ee8e-4365-b933-a32da5d4eff8":"80e9849482993181c32231ff8dc0a6024c69b620"}')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT 1 FROM RecoverSyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' AND anchor='C8E00D3F-C6B9-4396-B730-A7F6B1F1A9F8'
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO RecoverSyncAnchor (domain_id, anchor, commit_versions) VALUES ('C8E00D3F-C6B9-4396-B730-A7F6B1F1A9F8', '{"d9363843-30af-492f-8e34-243973249677":"bbb445ac5d348b24e050890d4534557261e0a96c","9755c0a2-ee8e-4365-b933-a32da5d4eff8":"80e9849482993181c32231ff8dc0a6024c69b620"}', 'nfcString')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] FileProviderEnumerator.m(456): The sync anchor from the system is empty, just generate a new one for domain: 7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719.
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT anchor FROM SyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT 1 FROM SyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' AND anchor='DFAE0D6F-EDB6-449F-943D-1BD0788B51CE'
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO SyncAnchor (domain_id, anchor, commit_versions) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', 'DFAE0D6F-EDB6-449F-943D-1BD0788B51CE', '{"d9363843-30af-492f-8e34-243973249677":"bbb445ac5d348b24e050890d4534557261e0a96c","9755c0a2-ee8e-4365-b933-a32da5d4eff8":"80e9849482993181c32231ff8dc0a6024c69b620"}')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
SELECT 1 FROM RecoverSyncAnchor WHERE domain_id='7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719' AND anchor='DFAE0D6F-EDB6-449F-943D-1BD0788B51CE'
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO RecoverSyncAnchor (domain_id, anchor, commit_versions) VALUES ('DFAE0D6F-EDB6-449F-943D-1BD0788B51CE', '{"d9363843-30af-492f-8e34-243973249677":"bbb445ac5d348b24e050890d4534557261e0a96c","9755c0a2-ee8e-4365-b933-a32da5d4eff8":"80e9849482993181c32231ff8dc0a6024c69b620"}', 'nfcString')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO IdMap (domain_id, identifier, parent, repo_id, path) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', 'F6EA67AC-011B-43E9-9272-E313335122AB', 'NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier', '', 'My Libraries')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO IdMap (domain_id, identifier, parent, repo_id, path) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', 'D7D9DD18-4702-48A5-9411-8EEB0E7C2978', 'NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier', '', 'Shared with me')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO IdMap (domain_id, identifier, parent, repo_id, path) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', 'A5D72FB9-26CF-4FE1-9BF0-A19BCC484466', 'NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier', '', 'Shared with groups')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] SQL error: 11 - database disk image is malformed
: INSERT INTO IdMap (domain_id, identifier, parent, repo_id, path) VALUES ('7e5088126a6765a7e984ed1785167719', '5A5D765B-0C3C-4C86-A624-B1B6FECF2D96', 'NSFileProviderRootContainerItemIdentifier', '', 'Shared with all')
[05/27/24 02:43:05] Couldn't prepare query, error:11->'database disk image is malformed'
the seafile server appears fine; and my linux client connects and seems to work fine.
i’m guessing i just need to do a purge of the database file (sqlite?) and restart - but i can’t find where it is located. can any one give me a pointer?