Make non-root UID/GID configurable in docker images

In the docker images I would like to see that the non-root UID/GID are configurable. I modified the current image with the patch below, which works for me™.

Thank you for your time and consideration!

*** /scripts/ 2024-08-22 09:53:44.000000000 +0200
--- /scripts/      2024-10-12 23:34:10.000000000 +0200
*** 25,32 ****
  # non-noot
  if [[ $NON_ROOT == "true" ]] ;then
      log "Create linux user seafile in container, please wait."
!     groupadd --gid 8000 seafile 
!     useradd --home-dir /home/seafile --create-home --uid 8000 --gid 8000 --shell /bin/sh --skel /dev/null seafile
      if [[ -e /shared/seafile/ ]]; then
          permissions=$(stat -c %a "/shared/seafile/")
--- 25,38 ----
  # non-noot
  if [[ $NON_ROOT == "true" ]] ;then
      log "Create linux user seafile in container, please wait."
!     if [ -z "$NON_ROOT_UID" ]; then
!       NON_ROOT_UID=8000
!     fi
!     if [ -z "$NON_ROOT_GID" ]; then
!       NON_ROOT_GID=8000
!     fi
!     groupadd --gid $NON_ROOT_GID seafile 
!     useradd --home-dir /home/seafile --create-home --uid $NON_ROOT_UID --gid $NON_ROOT_GID --shell /bin/sh --skel /dev/null seafile
      if [[ -e /shared/seafile/ ]]; then
          permissions=$(stat -c %a "/shared/seafile/")