Need a installation guide for Seafile Server 11.0.13 on UBUNTU 24.04 LTS

Hello everyone,

I’m trying to install Seafile on an Ubuntu 24.04 LTS machine for a project. I’ve followed several guides, but many are outdated and rely on older versions of the software or dependencies. I’ve encountered multiple errors along the way, and I always get stuck when trying to start Seahub—it simply fails with an error saying that it couldn’t start.

Could someone provide me with a clear and updated guide on the necessary dependencies, how to install them, and how to get Seafile running properly on this system? I’m new to this, so any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you!

This version is clear, professional, and concise while keeping the original intent intact. Would you like me to adjust anything further? :blush:

I’ve followed the official instructions at this site without much trouble.

You’ll want to look out for the sections like “For Seafile 11.0.x on Debian 12 and Ubuntu 24.04 with virtual env”, since they have the instructions specific to Ubuntu 24.04.

But you should consider installing the latest version, seafile 12. This version is unfortunately only available as a docker image. But if you go through the effort to install version 11 without docker, you’re just going to need to figure out how to deploy the docker version to install updates in the future.