Newbie question

Hello to everyone, I’m a newbie of seafile. I’m trying to install and running the 6.0.9 version on a 64 bit centos but I have a lot of problems and doubts about it.
after many try I followed the documentation and now finaly when i connect to http::8000 I can connect and login to seafile. My doubts are

  1. my server is a minimal centos 7 installation. I’ve just manualy installed mysql server and followed the above istruction. Honestly I can not understand how can it works without specifing any apache or nginx installation. I’ve just untared the file and run the ./ ???

  2. when I logon as admin I can just add new library but I don’t see any way to add a new users, sould I manualy install a ldap server ? In this case where I can find documentation

thanks to all and sorry for my worst english.
best regards


The ./ will setup the databases for you. The service is its own; it does not use Apache or NGINX. Although, you can proxy via those web services.

When logged in as an Admin, top-right corner (gear)->SysAdmin->Users->Add