Notification server configuration questions

I have 2 questions about upgrading to server 10.x (community edition) regarding notification server

-Do you have recommendations/sample config for apache web server config changes for notification server?
-What is jwt_private_key ? Do you have a sample of how this should be generated ??? Or some kind of guidance on what this is ?

Thank you,

Please check this document: Notification Server - Seafile Admin Manual

Document shows only ngix config. How would this look for Apache?

Hi Daniel,
I’m looking for configuration guidance for apache web server, not nginx. The documentation only has nginx. Do you have a sample for apache??

Also - do you have any guidance on how to make a jwt_private_key value ?? (what command was used to calcuate the one in the example?)

Thank you,

You can generate jwt_private_key with the following command:

openssl rand -base64 32

Ref: Seafile Admin Manual > Notification Server

You can use this configuration for Apache:

    ProxyPass /notification/ping
    ProxyPassReverse /notification/ping
    ProxyPass /notification  ws://
    ProxyPassReverse /notification ws://

“May I know if the notification server configuration will be included in the one-click installation script in the future?”

It will be included in the future.

Thank you! I missed that.

This config broke /notification/list/

As workaround I added a ProxyPass for /notification/list:

ProxyPass /notification/ping
ProxyPassReverse /notification/ping

ProxyPass /notification/list
ProxyPassReverse /notification/list

ProxyPass /notification  ws://
ProxyPassReverse /notification ws://

If you’re using SSL (which is recommended for security), ensure that your SSL configuration is up to date and compatible with the latest standards. If your Apache server is acting as a reverse proxy for the Notification Server, make sure the proxy configuration is correctly set up to forward requests to the Notification Server.