OAuth-Authentification against Microsoft Office365 (Azure Cloud)

Hi everybody,
on https://manual.seafile.com/deploy/oauth.html it is explained how to authenticate against github.
I made a video how to login with the user credentials of office365.

Have fun with the video and I am looking for your comments.
Best regards


Thanks for your great work.

Thanks for your Guide. I used AzureAD for some time but suddently it stopped working. If i try to login with Azure ID i get this error in Seahub:

2019-05-06 14:04:10,457 [ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:161 oauth_callback Required user info not found.
2019-05-06 14:04:10,458 [ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:162 oauth_callback {}

And this in the WebUI: Error, please contact administrator.

If i use Graph Explorer i see that all required attributes are provided as usual, so i think one of the last Seafile updates broke oidc login. Anyone else having problems with Azure oidc and Seafile 6.3.4?


I followed this guide and it’s working well for the web interface, but not on the clients.
This happens:

I compared two URLs (from the client and from the browser and it seems that when I do it on the browser the url has &sso_reload=true appended to the string. That’s the only relevant difference I can see.

Any idea of what we can do to fix this?

Thanks! I know this post is old, but just wanted to say that this helped me to setup SSO with MailCow and Seafile, by using the OAUTH_ATTRIBUTE_MAP proposed in this video.