Older version seafile 4.3.1 download link for centos


Please help me! i lost older version installation 4.3.1 seafile on centos. Anyone can provides links?

Thanks before.


Is there a reason you want to continue to use the older version?

yes, i remove installation older version when upgrade without backup first

If you still have the repositories which reside in seafile-data, my advice would be to make a backup copy, install a new version of Seafile, and then use those repositories. However, if any of your libraries were encrypted, you might need to use the same key you had before. Otherwise, your repositories should work fine. The repositories themselves have not changed since ver 3 of Seafile. It’s worth a try.

I’ve send you a link for Seafile CE 4.3.1 64-bit.

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Thanks all

Hi ,

Is there any way to get a download link for

Seafile Server 6.0.7 CE for Linux

Im trying to move Windows installation to Linux installtaion and the dbs from versions 6.0.7 and 6.3.2 differ so I cant just dump database and restore it on the other server.


You can download a copy from my server. Both links are valid for 30 days.

64-bit https://home.hoeper.me/f/cb0b29ee93cd4454b615/?dl=1
(32-bit https://home.hoeper.me/f/62ff1ad2ad394d5a8e5b/?dl=1 )


Thanks a lot. This is a real help.

Best regards,

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I have an archive with almost (if not) every version of Seafile Server, Pro, Client, Seadrive, CLI and RPi (those are available on GitHub).

Hi @shoeper,

Can you provide again a copy of Seafile Server 6.0.7 CE for Linux so i can move Windows installation to Linux Installation?

Thanks in advance,


the link is valid for 14 days.

Thank you so much!!! You are a life saver :slight_smile:

Does anybody have a link for Seafile 5.0.4 community version?

Very old versions: https://bitbucket.org/haiwen/seafile/downloads/