I have seafile 11 setup in docker with OnlyOffice also in docker.
Setup works well - with one annoying glitch.
whenever a user opens a document (new or existing) they receive a warning dialog box “The document could not be saved. Please check connection settings or contact your administrator. When you click the ‘OK’ button, you will be prompted to download the document.”
Is no-one else experiencing this glitch?
I reinstalled with seafile 10 (instead of 11) and experience the same issue. However the document ‘seafile-tutorial.doc’ which is part of the fresh install - opens in only office just fine. If I create a new docx or xlsx or pptx then I received the warning message as before.
And then then the instructions for OnlyOffice here: Deploy OnlyOffice with Docker - Seafile Admin Manual (i’m using the community edition, not pro, but can not see any settings which would need to be different)
Thank you rdb. You made me look closer. My issues was nginx related.
What I did, in the end, was to setup seafile with onlyoffice in http. It all worked fine.
Then I changed port to 8001 (in docker-compose.yml plus some edits in nginx and seahub conf) so that I could put Nginx Proxy Manager in front and play around with settings more easily. Again, I first got things working in http, then ‘closed’ port 8001 to the world.
Then I added ssl in Nginx Proxy Manager … and adjusted settings (needed to add https:// at a couple of points in the seahub config file. Also needed to add CSRF_TRUSTED_ORIGINS = ['https://…]
I have not worked out what was wrong with the instructions which I originally followed in the two links above (in the seafile documents). If I get bored I might try to figure it out.
OK, found it. This is what I should have done in the beginning to have seafile and OnlyOffice working with https.
follow instructions here to install seafile. Take care to open port 443 and set lets encrypt ‘true’ (add your URL too of course). I would suggest adding “restart: always” to each of the services. And change the Time Zone (“-TZ = country/city”).
I was running into this same exact issue. It was quite annoying. I had https everywhere else except for the SERVICE_URL. It feels like there are so many catchas setting up seafile + onlyoffice. I feel like this needs to be mentioned in the instructions or manual somewhere. It would have saved me so much time.
sorry, I’ve been on holidays. Back now. Are you still looking for this? If so I’ll find my settings when I have a moment. It’s been stable for a long time and I’ve not looked at it.