After upgrading to Seafile Pro 11, the SSO via OAuth with an internal SSO no longer works. I get a red error message asking to contact the administrator. I followed the recommendations for the small modification of the OAUTH_ATTRIBUTE_MAP but I encounter an error:
June 25 01:04:37 python3[1794236]: 2024-06-25 01:04:37,557 [ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:166 oauth_callback {'name': 'xxx', 'preferred_username': 'xxxx', 'family_name': 'xxx', 'sub': 'email@xxx.xx>
June 25 01:04:37 python3[1794236]: 2024-06-25 01:04:37,557 [ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:165 oauth_callback Required user attr not found.
June 25 01:04:37 python3[1794236]: 2024-06-25 01:04:37,557 [DEBUG] urllib3.connectionpool:549 _make_request "GET /
I have done several tests with the OAUTH_ATTRIBUTE_MAP, the latest being:
"sub": (True, "email"),
"uid": (True, "uid"),
"email": (True, "contact_email"),
"preferred_username": (False, "name"),
I do not understand what no longer works compared to version 10.
Best regards