Run ./ with --repair option while seafile is running?

Is it possible to run ./ with --repair option while seafile server is running, or do I have to stop seafile and then run fsck?

Please go through the above seafile manual, Although there is no recommendation to stop seafile but if you stop seafile services then it would be fine.

The manual says

You can run seaf-fsck to check all libraries when your Seafile server is running. It won’t damage or change any files.

When the system admin find a library is corrupted, he/she should run with “–repair” for the library.

But is it necessary to stop seafile in order to run fsck with repair option?

Yes, you must stop it to repair if you use the community version - not Pro.

Do you have a particular souce? Or where did you get this info from?

That was commented many times in forum.

  1. Seafile Pro Version = not necessary to stop seafile service for repair option
  2. Seafile CE Version = necessary to stop Seafile service before…
    The best, you can try by yourself.

Garbage collection is not the same thing as fsck.

The manual does not say the server needs to be stopped for fsck, so therefor it doesn’t need to be stopped.

We speak here for repair.

Please link us to those comments. I personally could not find any data that contradicts or validates this.

@fakuivan This was your question :wink:


Lol I’m dumb, I searched “seaf-fsck” but my post didn’t have the “seaf-” on the title so it didn’t come up. Still, that post asks if fsck can be run at all without breaking the server, it does not ask about --repair specifically except for this:

that does not quote any code or source to make it believable.

Sorry, but your second question is „How about it running on repair mode?“

But i think the devs should give us an final answer to this question.

This would be favorable. @Jonathan may you tell us more? The manual should be also extended.

–repair can be run when seafile server is running.