I have installed Seafile Server Pro (latest) on my Synology DS218+ (8GB RAM) using a Portainer stack which is effectively docker-compose with a UI.
Installation went fine and I have successfully synced some of my files from my laptop using the windows sync client without error.
I have over 600GB of data on the synology NAS which I have moved to “/shared/import” in the seafile docker. (I’ve mapped the seafile directories to the NAS so that I can access them easily via SMB)
The problem is with seaf-import.sh.
I ran the script through the docker exec console in portainer which succeeded after many hours but no new libraries appear for either of the 2 users.
The commands I ran were:
“./seaf-import.sh -p /shared/import/amy -n Laptop -u Amy”
“./seaf-import.sh -p /shared/import/rhys/gaming -n Gaming -u Rhys”
(Amy and Rhys being the login ID’s of the 2 users.)
After hours of successful imports, I log in as Amy, expecting to see a library called Laptop but there is nothing, same with Rhys. Also, I can’t see any new libraries through the admin interface.
The data is somewhere as the volume size has increased.
What have i done wrong?
Don’t really want to have to blow the setup away but i may have to start again as i don’t have that amount of space to spare on my NAS drives, and you can’t just go in and delete the library if it doesn’t exist?
Edit: If i run seaf-fsck, It shows that the libraries do exist, they just aren’t showing up anywhere else.
any way i can make it happen?
Thanks for any help