I’m having an issue with seafevents not starting properly. The process gets started and the pid file is created but then removed right away.
Version seafile pro: 10.0.11, docker installation
2024-02-24 17:37:08 seafile-controller.c(585): pid file /opt/seafile/pids/seafevents.pid does not exist
2024-02-24 17:37:08 seafile-controller.c(661): seafevents need restart…
2024-02-24 17:37:08 seafile-controller.c(97): spawn_process: /usr/bin/python3 -m seafevents.main --config-file /opt/seafile/conf/seafevents.conf --logfile /opt/seafile/logs/seafevents.log -P /opt/seafile/pids/seafevents.pid
2024-02-24 17:37:08 seafile-controller.c(131): spawned /usr/bin/python3, pid 1756610
[2024-02-24 17:37:29,867] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2024-02-24 17:37:29,869] [WARNING] Unknown database backend:
[2024-02-24 17:37:29,870] [INFO] [seafevents] database: mysql, name: seahub_db
[2024-02-24 17:37:29,875] [INFO] remove pidfile /opt/seafile/pids/seafevents.pid
executing command as shown in controller.log
/usr/bin/python3 -m seafevents.main --config-file /opt/seafile/conf/seafevents.conf --logfile /opt/seafile/logs/seafevents.log -P /opt/seafile/pids/seafevents.pid
/usr/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for ‘seafevents.main’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘seafevents’)
type = mysql
host = db
port = 3306
username = seafile
password =
name = seahub_db
Since it looks like there is an issue with seafevents.main would appreciate if someone from seafile could look into this.
Best Regards
Alex Frankenhauser
Hello I did a bit more investigation and I confirmed access to the database is working as well as the tables are in the seahub_db
docker exec -it seafile-mysql-10.0.11 /bin/bash
mysql --host=“db” --user=“seafile” --password=“PW”
Welcome to the MariaDB monitor. Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MariaDB connection id is 76399
Server version: 10.11.6-MariaDB-1:10.11.6+maria~ubu2204 mariadb.org binary distribution
Copyright (c) 2000, 2018, Oracle, MariaDB Corporation Ab and others.
Type ‘help;’ or ‘\h’ for help. Type ‘\c’ to clear the current input statement.
MariaDB [(none)]> use seahub_db;
Reading table information for completion of table and column names
You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A
Database changed
MariaDB [seahub_db]>
MariaDB [seahub_db]> show tables;
| Tables_in_seahub_db |
| Activity |
| ContentScanRecord |
| ContentScanResult |
| Event |
| FileAudit |
| FileHistory |
| FileOpsStat |
| FileUpdate |
| GroupIdLDAPUuidPair |
| MonthlySysTraffic |
| MonthlyUserTraffic |
| PermAudit |
| SysTraffic |
| TotalStorageStat |
| UserActivity |
| UserActivityStat |
| UserEvent |
| UserTraffic |
| UserTrafficStat |
| VirusFile |
| VirusScanRecord |
| abuse_reports_abusereport |
| admin_log_adminlog |
| api2_token |
| api2_tokenv2 |
| auth_group |
| auth_group_permissions |
| auth_permission |
| auth_user |
| auth_user_groups |
| auth_user_user_permissions |
| avatar_avatar |
| avatar_groupavatar |
| base_clientlogintoken |
| base_commandslastcheck |
| base_devicetoken |
| base_filecomment |
| base_filediscuss |
| base_groupenabledmodule |
| base_innerpubmsg |
| base_innerpubmsgreply |
| base_reposecretkey |
| base_userenabledmodule |
| base_userlastlogin |
| base_usermonitoredrepos |
| base_userstarredfiles |
| captcha_captchastore |
| constance_config |
| contacts_contact |
| custom_share_permission |
| django_cas_ng_proxygrantingticket |
| django_cas_ng_sessionticket |
| django_content_type |
| django_migrations |
| django_session |
| drafts_draft |
| drafts_draftreviewer |
| external_department |
| file_participants_fileparticipant |
| file_tags_filetags |
| group_groupmessage |
| group_messageattachment |
| group_messagereply |
| group_publicgroup |
| institutions_institution |
| institutions_institutionadmin |
| institutions_institutionquota |
| invitations_invitation |
| notifications_notification |
| notifications_usernotification |
| ocm_share |
| ocm_share_received |
| ocm_via_webdav_received_shares |
| onlyoffice_onlyofficedockey |
| options_useroptions |
| org_saml_config |
| organizations_orgadminsettings |
| organizations_orgmemberquota |
| organizations_orgsettings |
| post_office_attachment |
| post_office_attachment_emails |
| post_office_email |
| post_office_emailtemplate |
| post_office_log |
| profile_detailedprofile |
| profile_profile |
| registration_registrationprofile |
| related_files_relatedfiles |
| repo_api_tokens |
| repo_auto_delete |
| repo_share_invitation |
| repo_tags_repotags |
| revision_tag_revisiontags |
| revision_tag_tags |
| role_permissions_adminrole |
| share_anonymousshare |
| share_extragroupssharepermission |
| share_extrasharepermission |
| share_fileshare |
| share_orgfileshare |
| share_privatefiledirshare |
| share_uploadlinkshare |
| social_auth_association |
| social_auth_code |
| social_auth_nonce |
| social_auth_partial |
| social_auth_usersocialauth |
| sysadmin_extra_userloginlog |
| tags_filetag |
| tags_fileuuidmap |
| tags_tags |
| termsandconditions_termsandconditions |
| termsandconditions_usertermsandconditions |
| trusted_ip_trustedip |
| two_factor_phonedevice |
| two_factor_staticdevice |
| two_factor_statictoken |
| two_factor_totpdevice |
| wiki_groupwiki |
| wiki_personalwiki |
| wiki_wiki |
121 rows in set (0.001 sec)
MariaDB [seahub_db]>
So I do not think this is a database issue.
Can someone look into why the command that is executed:
/usr/bin/python3 -m seafevents.main --config-file /opt/seafile/conf/seafevents.conf --logfile /opt/seafile/logs/seafevents.log -P /opt/seafile/pids/seafevents.pid
gives the following error:
/usr/bin/python3: Error while finding module specification for ‘seafevents.main’ (ModuleNotFoundError: No module named ‘seafevents’)