Have someone tried this? I can’t get to work SeaFile server 12 using manual. I was trying to turn off caddy and use only my Nginx Proxy Manager but i gave up. Now i’m struggling trying to use this Scenario
Internet > Nginx Proxy Manager > Caddy (Deployed with Seafile)
I have not done the reverse proxy in front of caddy, but I did put it behind the nginx reverse proxy I already have working without using caddy. So mine goes:
Internet > Nginx reverse proxy > Seafile and seahub in the seafile container.
There’s actually an nginx reverse proxy inside the seafile container, but I can’t figure out why, so I just bypassed it and talk directly to the seafile components. This was not just about cutting out that other nginx, but also let me keep the nginx config I had been using with my previous seafile version (without docker) with almost no changes.
When you tried without caddy what problem did you see?
I use traefik instead of caddy with docker compose:
Internet → Traefik → Seafile Container
which works great!
Please give us more details to allow us to help you.