Seafile CE 7.0.1 beta is ready!

This release fixes a few issues in the previous version:

  • [fix] Fix database upgrade problem
  • [fix] Fix WebDAV can’t be started
  • [fix] Some UI fixes

Looks good so far, I haven’t noticed anything not working yet. There are a couple warnings during the database upgrade though.

This script would upgrade your seafile server from 6.3 to 7.0
Press [ENTER] to contiune
Updating seafile/seahub database ...
[INFO] You are using MySQL
[INFO] updating ccnet database...
[INFO] updating seafile database...
[INFO] updating seahub database...
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.TotalStorageStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.TotalStorageStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.TotalStorageStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.TotalStorageStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.FileOpsStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.FileOpsStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.UserActivityStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.UserActivityStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.UserActivityStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.UserActivityStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1146, "Table 'seahub-db.UserActivityStat' doesn't exist")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1051, "Unknown table 'seahub-db.UserTrafficStat'")
[WARNING] Failed to execute sql: (1091, "Can't DROP INDEX `profile_profile_contact_email_0975e4bf_uniq`; check that it exists")
migrating avatars ...
updating /usr/local/www/haiwen/seafile-server-latest symbolic link to /usr/local/www/haiwen/seafile-server ...
Upgraded your seafile server successfully.

Is this something that needs to be fixed?

These warnings can be ignored.

I had upgraded to 7.0.0 from 6.3 and manually created the table WebUploadTempFiles in the sqlite3 database to fix uploads. Are there any other tables I should manually re-create since upgrade from 7.0.0 to 7.0.1 doesn’t check for these?

No other tables need manually re-create.

The update script spawns an error:

~/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade$ ./

This script would upgrade your seafile server from 6.3 to 7.0
Press [ENTER] to contiune

Updating seafile/seahub database …

[INFO] You are using SQLite3
[INFO] updating seafile database…
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 384, in
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 379, in main
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 275, in update_db
super(SQLiteDBUpdater, self).update_db()
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 125, in update_db
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 296, in update_seafile_sql
self.apply_sqls(self.seafile_db, sql_path)
File “/home/seafile/seafile-server-7.0.1/upgrade/”, line 289, in apply_sqls
sqlite3.OperationalError: duplicate column name: status

Failed to upgrade your database

What to do?

Are these manual steps mandatory? A step by step upgrade instruction would be nice.

The manual steps are only needed if you happened to use 7.0.0 version. Otherwise the upgrade script should do the job correctly.

I got the same warnings, i just ignored that because i already read the thread here. Please do something about them as they can scare/unsettle other users.
At least as soon as 7.x goes out of beta there should be no SQL warnings when updating.

No flaws otherwise, everything is working. thumbs up!

Or just add the Information that those errors can be ignored.

Thanks for making this clear. Webinterface works flawless now but webdav still seams to be broken.