Seafile Docker - Page does not load correctly after switching to HTTPS

Hello guys,

i installed default community edition with the latest docker image from scratch (with all docker images mysql, mencached, etc, included).

With HTTP on Port 8000 the page is available and looks good. After i activated HTTPS with own NGNX and own Letsencrypt certificate the page is not loading correctly anymore and looks like this:

The certificate is shown in that page correctly and secure.

If i view the site from localhost on HTTP Port 8000 everything is fine.

Do you have any ideas how to solve it?

The NGINX Config worked before with a non-docker version 9.0.2 of seafile

i found the issue. It was caused by my old non-docker nginx-configuration here:

location /media {
root /etc/seafile/seafile-server-latest/seahub;

Thats because NGINX does not have access to the seahub folder in the docker image. After i removed it, the site was displayed without any issues.