Seafile Drive client 0.2.0 is ready for testing!

You can download it from

Changelog for this version:

  • Add shibboleth support
  • Show a dialog notify the client is downloading file list from the server during initialisation
  • Show transfer rate
  • [fix] Fix a bug that lead to the file modification time to be empty
  • [fix] Fix a bug that lead to files not be uploaded

The following issues are not fixed yet:

  • Seafile Drive client still using the old icons from Seafile Syncing client, which will lead to confusing is you are using both.
  • No notifications when moving files from one library to another library
  • Misleading error message when try to delete a read-only file
  • Only S: can be used for drive letter

For more information on Drive client, please check: Seafile Drive client is ready for testing!

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