Seafile library damaged

Hi, I’ve got a similar problem as described here that I can not access a certain shared library, while others are working fine. The library is damaged after a recent server crash. output:

/opt/seafile/seafile-server-latest/ --repair 83a08e46-cd97-4553-aaae-223dd7e46c0c

Starting seaf-fsck, please wait ...

2024-05-05 10:24:41 fsck.c(603): Running fsck for repo 83a08e46-cd97-4553-aaae-223dd7e46c0c.
2024-05-05 10:24:41 repo-mgr.c(295): Commit 9f7633b76bf0c805c4ddf87fb957a312c5520414 is missing
2024-05-05 10:24:41 fsck.c(620): Repo 83a08e46 HEAD commit is damaged, need to restore to an old version.
2024-05-05 10:24:41 fsck.c(514): Scanning available commits...
2024-05-05 10:30:03 ../../common/commit-mgr.c(144): Failed to load commit json: '[' or '{' expected near end of file.
2024-05-05 10:34:24 ../../common/commit-mgr.c(144): Failed to load commit json: '[' or '{' expected near end of file.
2024-05-05 10:36:04 ../../common/commit-mgr.c(144): Failed to load commit json: '[' or '{' expected near end of file.
[... this goes on for days and ultimately crashes ...]

I also tried to run, but it doesn’t want to look at the library because of the dmaaged HEAD commit. Any way to repair the library?