I just wanted to share the seafile node for n8n I created. I had the challenge to pull data from my seafile in a cron schedule and import them to my seatable. This is the result.
For now the node can list directories, create private download links that can be passed to a http node, upload files and delete them.
I talked with vqu and I took over the maintenance of this seafile community node for n8n. The new version I just published recently offers 33 actions. It should provide you all the necessary functions to interact with your seafile server. You can upload and download files, create upload and download links, create folders, tag files etc…
You can install the latest version of this Seafile n8n community node via npm. The name of the node is n8n-nodes-seafile (n8n-nodes-seafile - npm).
Breaking change
This new version introduces breaking changes, including modifications to the authentication process, which prevent the creation of a compatible update for n8n. As a result, existing workflows will need to be rebuilt. The change in authentication was made because the node now exclusively supports the Account-Token, no longer accommodating the Repo-Token.
Feedback is highly appreciated.
Christoph from datamate.
PS: I will held a presentation about possible workflow automations with n8n on the SeaDays (7-8.Oct 2024) in Mainz. If you are nearby, you can join this community event. Registration is free at SeaDays 2024 - Seafile and SeaTable Community-Workshop - SeaTable.