Seafile Pro edition 6.0.4 is ready! A few fixes

This is a maintenance release with following fixes:

  • [fix] Fix list_inner_pub_repos error in cloud mode
  • [fix] Improve logo show in About dialog
  • [fix] Fix file/folder upload in Firefox 50
  • [fix] Fix groups not shown in admin panel when there are more than 100 groups

Hi there,

thanks for the fixes. However, it seems the upgrade broke LDAP users/groups.
I can still see the active LDAP users in mysql (ccnet-db) but I cannot see any LDAP users in the admin panel.
The users can also not login anymore.

Any hints appreciated,

I see the following errors in ccnet.log:

[11/29/16 23:24:03] user-mgr.c(390): ldap_bind failed for user [DN] Can’t contact LDAP server.
[11/29/16 23:24:03] user-mgr.c(788): Ldap init and bind failed using [DN]: [PWD] on server ldaps:/[LDAPSERVER]/

however I can bind from the seafile server host with ldapsearch -x -D [DN] -w [PWD] -H ldaps:/[LDAPSERVER]/ without problems.


switching back to pro-6.0.3 restores LDAP functionality


What Linux distribution do you use?

Maybe it is related to the bundled ldaps library. Can you try the method at the end of to solve the problem:

Using TLS connection to LDAP/AD server

To use a TLS connection to the directory server, you should install a valid SSL certificate on the directory server.

Thanks Daniel,

we use Debian Jessie. Thanks to your hint, I remembered that I have to delete the bundled LDAP libraries. Now I see the LDAP users again. Maybe it would be nice to mention that in the instructions for updating seafile.

Group sync does not work for us apparently, but this is a separate problem which is not related to 6.0.4 and I will a new topic for this.

Many thanks,