Seafile says it's at 42% uploading 200GB but the UI shows an empty library


I set up Seafile a few hours ago using Wasabi (s3 compatible) as the primary storage. The macOS desktop client took a while to upload the file list (I have a ton of small files), but then it seems to be uploading the actual files very quickly. It now shows it’s already at 42% but when I look at the web UI, the library is empty. And the client on the other Mac is not receiving any files either.

Does Seafile show the files only when the upload for the bulk has completed? Or what could explain an empty library in the UI if the desktop client is happily uploading?


Does the client throw any error messages?

How many files do you have in you library/libraries? You need to enable support for >100k files in a library my modfiying seafile.con:

max_sync_file_count = 100000      #modify for > 100k files
fs_id_list_request_timeout = 300   #modify as well

More here: seafile.conf - Seafile Admin Manual

At least in the past the progress wasn’t very helpful as it could reiterate from 0 to 100 many times.

That you don’t see files is probably related to the sync algorithm. It first needs to commit until you’ll see something.

With 100 Mbit upload it would take at least 5 hours (don’t nail me down on that ;)).