Seafile server 6.3.3 is ready! The new Wiki feature is ready

Can you try remove debug mode in

DEBUG = False

Perfect, works now. Many Thanks

BTW: you do a great job

That’s good to hear.

Cool, now waiting for RPi update for my Odroid-HC2. :wink:

Will come soon!

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So is this for the pro version as well?

The most missing feature for me is the possibility to link words to articles like known from Wikipedia,. For axample when I want to create an article about “Lorem ipsim” I would tag the words with [[Lorem ipsum]]. If there is already an article it would be linked, otherwise I would create a new page clicking on the linked words.

Anyway: Thank you that you started improving the Seafile wiki feature!

We will not support Wikipedia like internal links. The current way is to write a file for the new topic then link the file.


is it the same solution for this issue ?

custom.css is neither integrated/loading anymore in the Markdown Viewer nor in the Markdown Editor.


The option to generate protocol links is still missing and I don’t think “internal links” were added, Would you mind clarifying that statement?

But is this practical in daily use?
I understand that Seafile can not provide another MediaWiki but a good Markdown based Wiki would be great. Actually the current Wiki is still not much more than a library called “Wiki” with a nice Markdown web editor (which you can use in any other library as well, no need to use the Wiki feature for this). The only difference is the possibility to make it public (but this is quite new). In my opinion it needs a little bit more to make the Wiki feature worth to mention it. For example: Linking to new Wiki pages within a Wiki text by creating a link of the target page and then link it with markdown code is not very “wiki like” - it is just uncomfortable.

Anyway: Thx for Seafile CE!

Internal links can be generated in the Web Interface, the upgrade only affects Server version and not the Client.

Thanks for fixing the “groups in admin panel” bug.

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A big thank you for the new wiki feature, I love it, it works great. Finally I can have all wikis in one place and don’t have to click through all groups anymore. Very good is also the function to add an existing library as a wiki. Only one issue I noticed: If I want to add a library as a wiki, which I didn’t create myself, but which was shared with me via a group and where I have read and write permissions, this fails with: Permission denied.

Glad you like the new Wiki.

Currently only the library owner can create a Wiki from the library.

I have played around with the Wiki a bit. I think it’s got great potential as a collaboration tool.

Yet I cannot make sense of this problem that I encountered three times after creating 2 extra MD-files. I am running a Seafile PE 6.3.6 on Ubuntu 16.04.

There is Seafile server 6.3.4 on download page but no announcment, no info, no change log. Could you please post some information?

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6.3.4 (2018/09/15)

[fix] Fix a security issue in Shibboleth authentication
[fix] Fix sometimes Web UI will not autoload a >100 item directory view

Source :

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