I’m running Seafile Server Pro 11.0.16 in Docker on a Debian Server and I have some issues where running gc does not seem to free up the data I expect it to do.
As an example, see this library which should be a bit below 50GB in size.
The history of this library is set to no history (unfortunately I can only post 1 screenshot).
I’ve run gc for this library:
root@345fc92d90d4:/opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-11.0.16# ./seaf-gc.sh 09b3c116-f155-4a9c-bb65-ded4906375df
Starting seafserv-gc, please wait …
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(1135): Database is MySQL/Postgre/Oracle, use online GC.
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(1160): Using up to 1 threads to run GC.
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(1104): GC version 1 repo flashback database archive(09b3c116-f155-4a9c-bb65-ded4906375df)
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(776): GC started for repo 09b3c116. Total block number is 43509.
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(78): GC index size is 21754 Byte for repo 09b3c116.
2025-01-07 13:22:18 gc-core.c(403): Populating index for repo 09b3c116.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(405): Populating index for sub-repo 10c3f3a0.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(405): Populating index for sub-repo 960e272a.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(405): Populating index for sub-repo 2c758285.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(405): Populating index for sub-repo fcb0393b.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(382): Traversed 5 commits, 77584 blocks for repo 09b3c116.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(382): Traversed 1 commits, 613 blocks for repo fcb0393b.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(382): Traversed 1 commits, 61 blocks for repo 2c758285.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(382): Traversed 1 commits, 365 blocks for repo 960e272a.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(382): Traversed 1 commits, 367 blocks for repo 10c3f3a0.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(853): Scanning and deleting unused blocks for repo 09b3c116.
2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(890): GC finished for repo 09b3c116. 43509 blocks total, about 78990 reachable blocks, 0 blocks are removed.2025-01-07 13:22:19 gc-core.c(1212): === GC is finished ===
seafserv-gc run done
However, the actual bytes used on disk do not match the library size:
root@vps657:/opt/seafile-data/seafile/seafile-data/storage/blocks/09b3c116-f155-4a9c-bb65-ded4906375df# du -h -d0
188G .
How to get this disk space back?
Also, in my installation there is a /scripts/gc.sh script, and a /opt/seafile/seafile-pro-server-11.0.16/seaf-gc.sh script.
What is the difference between these two?
Thanks in advance!