Seafile upgrade from 9.0.9 to 10.0.1. Seahub failed to start

So…Yeah. After upgrading from a working 9.0.9 to 10.0.1, Seafile starts, but seahub fails to start. It leaves no traces on seahub.log, even with DEBUG set to True on

EDIT: So I forgot about daemon = False.

This is the error that’s crashing my seahub from starting:

AttributeError: module ‘PIL.Image’ has no attribute ‘ANTIALIAS’

A quick search would suggest to downgrade pip Pillow to some version under 10.x. However, the Seafile upgrade instructions SPECIFICALLY MENTION to upgrade Pillow to 10.2.x. What should I do?


Welllll this looks…a bit too DIY. Following this suggestion from casanovg, you need to edit your seafile-server-10.0.1/seahub/seahub/seahub/avatar/ to
On line 25, change …

In my case, I changed it to:
AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD = getattr(settings, 'AVATAR_RESIZE_METHOD', Image.Resampling.LANCZOS) and it also booted. I hope I don’t need to do this every time I update the server!

In addition you have modify method “_create_thumbnail_common” on line 235:

image.thumbnail((size, size), Image.ANTIALIAS)
change to
image.thumbnail((size, size), Image.LANCZOS)

otherwise image thumbnails won’t be generated

im going further to version 11, not sure if it’s fixed.