Seafile & Windows= Dead end buggy software

hey everyone, I know not how it works but all is working, a few hiccups, like the email not working, but all in all its going good, ill update soon

Donated 5,000 to development today, hope it helps, i have a few post install questions but I will open up another thread, thanks everyone. Wish i could say WHAT changed to make it work, but we will probably never know that

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Is it 5000 USD? Which account did you donate to? I can’t find the donation.


hahaha, it could be indian rupees, onions or whatever :joy:


The downloaded python 2.7 tends to register itself to environment variable PATH if you choose to let the program set the path. However, gc.bat reads from PYTHONPATH but not PATH. Add PYTHONPATH to environment variable manually should solve the problem.

Please suggest this to the manual in github so it can be documented. Thx