Seahub - UI bug in wiki page (or a documentation bug?)

I think I found a little UI bug in seafile 12.0.7. I didn’t deploy the seadoc stuff, and in my .env file I have ENABLE_SEADOC=false and I commented out the SEADOC_SERVER_URL= and other SEADOC* options. In the web interface, there is still the “Wikis” section on the left panel, with the little arrow to let me make a new wiki.

It will create the library and the first page, but then gives an error, that just says “Error”.

That error seems to be because of a 404 error loading https://my.seafile.domain/sdoc-server/api/v1/docs/9...4/ which isn’t surprising since I don’t have seadoc, so I don’t have anything at /sdoc-server

The documentation at - Seafile Admin Manual says:

# Whether enable the feature "published library". Default is `False`
# Since 6.1.0 CE

But that comment seems to be wrong, it seems to default to true. I had to add that config option and set it to False turn off the wiki to prevent users from trying to use the broken wiki stuff.

Thanks for reporting the issue. We will fix it in the next release.