SSO (oauth) with Zitadel gives "code_challenge required" error

Hey, We use Zitadel for SSO and it works fine with our matrix synapse server already.
I created an additional application in zitadel and made the settings in seahub config file.
I keep getting the error:

[ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:154 oauth_callback (invalid_request) code_challenge required

Here the oauth part of my file:


OAUTH_CLIENT_ID = "111111111111111111@project" #those are the ids from the zitadel app configuration
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET = "111111111111111111@project"

OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL = 'https://seafile.domain.tld/oauth/callback/'

OAUTH_PROVIDER_DOMAIN   = 'seafile.domain.tld'
OAUTH_PROVIDER          = 'seafile.domain.tld'

OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oauth/v2/authorize'
OAUTH_TOKEN_URL         = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oauth/v2/token'
OAUTH_USER_INFO_URL     = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oidc/v1/userinfo'
OAUTH_SCOPE = ["openid", "profile", "email"]
    "id": (False, "not used"),
    "uid": (True, "uid"),
    "name": (False, "full name"),
    "email": (True, "email"),
DEBUG = True

I migrated to 11.0.9 and switched from sqlite to mariadb. This was a pain since the database migration script seems very outdated and I hat to put all the create tables in the right order… so Im not 100% sure if this might be a database issue.

Im also a bit puzzled about this part of the documentation:

manual seafile com/deploy/auth_switch/

Do I have to follow those steps?
I remember in my very first try there was a table missing (If I remember correctly it was social_auth_usersocialauth ) however it was created automatically and the second attempt lead me to the now accuring error.

I tried all variants in zitadel backend all leading into the error above or this one:
[ERROR] seahub.oauth.views:154 oauth_callback (invalid_client) invalid secret

How can I proceed?

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I got a huge step further.

I had to configure the App type in Zitadel as “Post” and not “PKCE”, with Application Type “Web”, response types: “Code”, Auth Method: “Post” and Grant types: “Authorization Code”.

The corresponding seahub config is now:

OAUTH_CLIENT_ID         = "111111111111111111@project"
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET     = "The Secret came from the Action button in Zitadel -> regenerate"
OAUTH_REDIRECT_URL      = 'https://seafile.domain.tld/oauth/callback/'
OAUTH_PROVIDER_DOMAIN   = 'seafile.domain.tld'
OAUTH_PROVIDER          = 'seafile.domain.tld'
OAUTH_AUTHORIZATION_URL = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oauth/v2/authorize'
OAUTH_TOKEN_URL         = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oauth/v2/token'
OAUTH_USER_INFO_URL     = 'https://sso1.domain.tld/oidc/v1/userinfo'
OAUTH_SCOPE             = ["openid", "profile", "email"]
    "sub": (True, "uid"),
    "name": (True, "name"),
    "email": (True, "contact_email")

When I login, I get a new user. My user with the according mail address already existed and all its libraries whre trashed. This is a bit strange. Also the newly created user has not the correct mail adress but a id@auth.local adress. I could add the correct mailadresses manually after everybody logged in first, but thats also not possible via the system settings panel.

Cant I log into the existing users with the mail adress as identifier? Its not clear to me.

Edit: Contact mail can be set via contact_email. Had to read the sourcecode for this, it seems its nowhere in the documentation. Still wondering about SSO to already existing users.

I started over with a freshly restored backup :wink: - moved all my libraries to a temporary account for testing to be safe this time.
I already migrated all our users libraries to new users (since also the mails domain has changed in the past), so all users are V11 style users with an @auth.local address and a contact email already.
If I login now via SSO with my user, I get an fresh one.
The bummer is now:
I cant login anymore with this account since the SSO account creation doesnt check if an account with this mail adress already exists. I think this is a Bug and created an issue on github: Multiple accounts with the same mail via SSO prevent login (MultipleObjectsReturned at /accounts/login/) · Issue #2788 · haiwen/seafile · GitHub