Sudden 404 errors

Hi all

Thanks for looking.

My setup, which has been working for close to a year without any issues is as follows:

Physical HP ProLiant Server running Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard
IIS 8.5
Seafile server configured to run under IIS and to start as a service.

As I say, it’s been running like a dream and suddenly I am faced with 404 errors when I try to browse the web interface.

My Clients say “Failed to get libraries information. Please retry”.

Now as far as I know this was working right up until yesterday. No one touches the server apart from myself and the last round of Windows updates went on a couple of weeks prior to the issue.

I, personally, have made no configuration changes.

This is the last entries for the seafserv.log file:

[11/01/16 16:32:12] created “python.exe “C:\SeafileProgram\seafile-server-5.0.3\seafile\bin…\seahub\” runwsgiserver host= port=8000 autoreload=False staticserve=False”, pid 5212
[11/01/16 16:33:02] seafserv/seafserv.c(516): seahub has exited with code 1
[11/01/16 16:33:02] seafserv/seafserv.c(161): starting seahub …
[11/01/16 16:33:02] created “python.exe “C:\SeafileProgram\seafile-server-5.0.3\seafile\bin…\seahub\” runwsgiserver host= port=8000 autoreload=False staticserve=False”, pid 5804
[11/01/16 16:33:52] seafserv/seafserv.c(516): seahub has exited with code 1
[11/01/16 16:33:52] seafserv/seafserv.c(161): starting seahub …
[11/01/16 16:33:52] created “python.exe “C:\SeafileProgram\seafile-server-5.0.3\seafile\bin…\seahub\” runwsgiserver host= port=8000 autoreload=False staticserve=False”, pid 4604

And seafile.log:

[11/01/16 16:01:09] read from connfd error: No error.
[11/01/16 16:09:42] …/common/mq-mgr.c(60): [mq client] mq cilent is started
[11/01/16 16:09:42] …/common/mq-mgr.c(106): [mq mgr] publish to hearbeat mq: seaf_server.heartbeat
[11/01/16 16:09:42] listen-mgr.c(120): listen on port 12001 for block tranfer


[11/01/16 16:09:40] …/common/session.c(132): using config file E:/seafile-server\conf\ccnet.conf
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/session.c(418): Listen on 13418
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/session.c(290): Update pubinfo file
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/connect-mgr.c(515): Opened port 10001 to listen for incoming peer connections
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[11/01/16 16:09:41] …/common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[11/01/16 16:09:42] …/common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client
[11/01/16 16:09:42] …/common/session.c(398): Accepted a local client

Last couple of entries in seahub_django_request.log:

2016-10-24 12:50:43,259 [WARNING] django.request:144 get_response Not Found: /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
2016-10-24 12:50:43,259 [WARNING] django.request:177 process_view Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
2016-10-24 12:50:51,773 [WARNING] django.request:144 get_response Not Found: /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml
2016-10-24 12:50:51,773 [WARNING] django.request:177 process_view Forbidden (CSRF cookie not set.): /autodiscover/autodiscover.xml

Not sure of the relevance but those last lines are repeating with nothing else for the last few weeks in that log, but this was definitely working at least up to the weekend, and I am sure, yesterday.

Hmmm…so despite all of the above, it’s still syncing the folders.

Any suggestions?

Ok, so I tracked this down myself and I’ll post here to assist anyone else since I got the sum total of zero responses.

Found out that in an update to Sophos it started to grab port 8000.

Changed Seafile to use 8001 (seemed easier and faster than wrestling with Sophos) and we’re back in action.