Support Members

How many main support members do you have in this new forum?
So far I see @daniel.pan and @lins05 did @JiaQiang_Xu make it in?

Man this stinks I have to earn all my badges back…

I’m guessing the forum you have running is an older version as some newer tweaks and etc are missing from the .de version, mainly this version isn’t really mobile friendly might want to look into that.

Here the responsive view is working fine.

Yeah, several seafile developers have already registered here, and more will join soon. We would provide support for the community exactly the same as before.

Thanks for reporting! It’s the latest version of discourse, and i guess we need to tune some ui-related options.

I’m sure you will. :slight_smile:


I’d definitely recommend activating the solved plugin :wink:

Really liking this :

Thank you for the tweak.

It’s part of a discourse beta version.