Sync unix interval

hello there,
we use a virtuell server with ubuntu, no gui.

is there a possibilty to set thr sync intervall on unix? we need to configure it because automatically synchronisation is not triggered when we make changes to a subfolder of a library.

thx, kai

Can you give us more specifics?

  • You are using a Seafile client, but not the Webui. Right?
  • Where are you making the changes? On one of the client PC’s?
  • When you say, “make changes to a subfolder”, what kind of changes? Changes to the name of the subfolder? Changes to a file? Adding new files? Deleting files?
  • What does the client do when you make those changes? Do you see the green cloud with a checkmark?
  • In the client, under “Recently Updated”, under each library, it should tell you when the last change to the library was done. Does that update?
  • In the client, right click a library, and you’ll get options. In the middle are three options… the top one with either be disable auto sync or enable auto sync (which does it show?)
  • Also, there is an option in that list to set a sync interval if that’s what you really want to do.