Trouble setting up MinIO S3 as a backend

Hi all,

I am trying to use MinIO as the S3 storage backend so that I can use the same files in other locations.

I installed Seafile 11 via Docker and it worked - Great.
I then edited /opt/seafile-data/seafile/conf/seafile.conf and added in the following:

backend = s3
bucket = localfiles
access_key = ACCESS_KEY
secret_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
endpoint =

backend = s3
bucket = localfiles
access_key = ACCESS_KEY
secret_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
endpoint =

backend = s3
bucket = localfiles
access_key = ACCESS_KEY
secret_key = SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
endpoint =

From here, I run docker compose down && docker compose up -d.
When it reloads all my files are still present, which I would have have expected. Uploading new files does not add any files to the Bucket, which I can confirm exists – so do the credentials.

What might I be doing wrong? Also, is it safe to update files directly in via application?

I have also tried with [s3] as a single field in addition to the three commit_object_backend, fs_object_backend and block_backend.

You should use “host” in the place of “endpoint”.