Unable to upload files (solved)

Hi guys!

My setup…EC2 instance with an s3fs mount for seafile-data. This mount is linked from /media/seafile-data to /home/ubuntu/seafile/seafile-data. Seafile install with MySQL and nginx.

Seafile seems to run and show the currently empty libraries (since it’s a brand new install). I can create users etc with no issues. But when I try to upload a file, I get a “network error” on the upload box in the browser. If using the client, the file gets stuck at 0% and nothing happens. I don’t see any current errors in ccnet.log, seafile.log, controller.log or seahub.log. Just in case I “chown-ed” all the files/folders in the s3fs mount to ensure they belong to the seafile user. But I don’t seem to see what’s the issue.

/seafile/logs$ tail *
==> ccnet.log <==
[08/13/20 07:15:40] …/common/connect-mgr.c(515): Opened port 10001 to listen for incoming peer connections
[08/13/20 07:15:40] socket file exists, delete it anyway
[08/13/20 07:15:47] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:16:03] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:16:04] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:16:07] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:18:42] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:18:42] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:18:42] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/20 07:22:29] start to serve on pipe client

==> controller.log <==
[08/13/20 06:24:09] seafile-controller.c(191): starting seaf-server …
[08/13/20 06:24:09] seafile-controller.c(79): spawn_process: seaf-server -F /home/ubuntu/seafile/conf -c /home/ubuntu/seafile/ccnet -d /home/ubuntu/seafile/seafile-data -l /home/ubuntu/seafile/logs/seafile.log -P /home/ubuntu/seafile/pids/seaf-server.pid -p /home/ubuntu/seafile/seafile-server-7.1.4/runtime
[08/13/20 06:24:09] seafile-controller.c(94): spawned seaf-server, pid 4719
[08/13/20 06:37:36] seafile-controller.c(471): shutting down all services …
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(159): starting ccnet-server …
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(79): spawn_process: ccnet-server -F /home/ubuntu/seafile/conf -c /home/ubuntu/seafile/ccnet -f /home/ubuntu/seafile/logs/ccnet.log -d -P /home/ubuntu/seafile/pids/ccnet.pid
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(94): spawned ccnet-server, pid 1446
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(191): starting seaf-server …
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(79): spawn_process: seaf-server -F /home/ubuntu/seafile/conf -c /home/ubuntu/seafile/ccnet -d /home/ubuntu/seafile/seafile-data -l /home/ubuntu/seafile/logs/seafile.log -P /home/ubuntu/seafile/pids/seaf-server.pid -p /home/ubuntu/seafile/seafile-server-7.1.4/runtime
[08/13/20 07:15:40] seafile-controller.c(94): spawned seaf-server, pid 1447

==> seafile.log <==
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(176): fileserver: worker_threads = 10
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(191): fileserver: fixed_block_size = 16777216
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(206): fileserver: web_token_expire_time = 3600
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(221): fileserver: max_indexing_threads = 1
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(236): fileserver: max_index_processing_threads= 3
[08/13/20 07:15:40] http-server.c(258): fileserver: cluster_shared_temp_file_mode = 600
[08/13/2020 07:16:03 AM] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/2020 07:16:06 AM] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/2020 07:16:07 AM] start to serve on pipe client
[08/13/2020 07:18:42 AM] start to serve on pipe client

==> seahub.log <==

*: seahub.log is currently empty.

Any hints?

Check SERVICE_URL in ccnet.conf and FILE_SERVER_ROOT in seahub_settings.py.

Or you can use the parameters in the web settings.

The screenshot shows the default values.

Thanks for the very fast reply! So far mine look by default as follows:
SERVICE_URL: https://mydomain.com:8000
FILE_SERVER_ROOT: https://mydomain.com:8082/seafhttp

These ports 8000 and 8082 came by default. FILE_SERVER_ROOT didn’t have /seafhttp by default. I added it, but it didn’t seem to change anything after restarting the services. Are these ports correct?

Thanks! That seems to have fixed it. By the way, seems it didn’t like the FILE_SERVER_ROOT line at seahub_setting.py. That wasn’t there, and when manually added it refused to start. But changing it from the UI worked anyway.

I’m gonna keep checking, but I managed to upload a file successfully.

Thanks a lot!

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