Upgrade Seadrive V1 to lastest V2 version

We have approximately 1000 computer (800 Windows, 200 Mac) running seadrive V1 (1.0.12).
We have plan to upgrade all computer to latest V2 version (actually 2.0.12).
To do this, we have Kace SMA solution to deploy new version of seadrive on all computer.
Have you some tips or how to to mass deploy a new version of seadrive ?
It is possible to disconnect all client from server ? (or it is necessary before uninstall V1 version ?)
With msi command line of V2 version of seadrive, it is possible to disconnect / unistall V1 version when we install V2 version ?
It is possible to keep credentials / account connected when we upgrade seadrive version ?

Thanks for your help.
