I use Seafile to backup my .thunderbird
folder manually using the GUI client on Archlinux (current version 9.0.8). The sync often fails by stopping at half-way, with no error message on the GUI. In the logs I see:
[08/27/24 09:21:50] sync-mgr.c(604): Repo '.thunderbird' sync state transition from 'synchronized' to 'committing'.
[08/27/24 09:21:50] repo-mgr.c(1806): Failed to stat /home/mori/.thunderbird/jl5nbx4z.default/lock: No such file or directory.
[08/27/24 09:22:26] sync-mgr.c(604): Repo '.thunderbird' sync state transition from 'committing' to 'uploading'.
[08/27/24 09:22:26] http-tx-mgr.c(1169): Transfer repo 'd5f29533': ('normal', 'init') --> ('normal', 'check')
[08/27/24 09:22:26] http-tx-mgr.c(1169): Transfer repo 'd5f29533': ('normal', 'check') --> ('normal', 'commit')
[08/27/24 09:22:26] http-tx-mgr.c(1169): Transfer repo 'd5f29533': ('normal', 'commit') --> ('normal', 'fs')
[08/27/24 09:22:27] http-tx-mgr.c(1169): Transfer repo 'd5f29533': ('normal', 'fs') --> ('normal', 'data')
[08/27/24 09:23:10] http-tx-mgr.c(943): libcurl failed to PUT https://basket.fi.infn.it/seafhttp/repo/d5f29533-2819-4a45-a71d-56bf2de2daa8/block/6e1779c2915246436612abf6154124e1164cff99: Failed to open/read local data from file/application.
[08/27/24 09:23:10] http-tx-mgr.c(943): libcurl failed to PUT https://basket.fi.infn.it/seafhttp/repo/d5f29533-2819-4a45-a71d-56bf2de2daa8/block/23f1e9b732ed67ca8992fecef3f5820da14abe3f: Operation was aborted by an application callback.
[08/27/24 09:23:11] http-tx-mgr.c(943): libcurl failed to PUT https://basket.fi.infn.it/seafhttp/repo/d5f29533-2819-4a45-a71d-56bf2de2daa8/block/3829b637b48f9ca4a6d0ef9c1f2647892dc229bb: Operation was aborted by an application callback.
[08/27/24 09:23:12] http-tx-mgr.c(1169): Transfer repo 'd5f29533': ('normal', 'data') --> ('error', 'finished')
[08/27/24 09:23:12] sync-mgr.c(642): Repo '.thunderbird' sync state transition from uploading to 'error': 'Network error'.
It happens both with Thunderbird running and not running. Repeating the sync, possibly multiple times, the transfer ends successfully.
I don’t understand whether it is a problem on the client side (as the Failed to open/read local data from file/application.
message suggests) or on the server side (currently on version 6.0.7, I already asked my IT department to upgrade), so any help is welcome.