When are photos uploaded from Android?

I took some photos earlier today but when I looked in the folder on my PC, they weren’t there (about two hours later). I opened the Seafile client on my phone and then they appeared. Do photos only upload when you open the client? I’ve got it configured to upload on Wi-Fi and mobile data.

Something similar happens with Google Photos - they don’t seem to upload immediately unless I open the Photos app.

However, there were some photos there that I took yesterday and I’m pretty sure I didn’t open the Seafile client yesterday so maybe it’s on a schedule?

You might have to play around with the features of the app but sometimes it relates to your phone’s battery saver settings that stop an app from running if it’s not been opened in a certain period of time.

Also checkout AutoSync by metactrl - which enables 2-way syncing. It can be used with Seafile through webdav. Very convenient.

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Thanks for the suggestion, will check it out.

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Android 2.2.32 camera upload failed - #20 by daniel.pan apparently, new versions of the app write out a log for camera sync