I just tried to install the newest version using docker on my raspberry pi, but it complains “The requested image’s platform (linux/amd64) does not match the detected host platform (linux/arm64/v8) and no specific platform was requested”.
I discovered there is no v12.0 docker for arm yet on https://hub.docker.com/r/seafileltd/seafile-mc/tags?name=arm
Will you make one? If so, when?
I need my file sync :')
+1 here. It would be nice to have all new images for v12 built for both arm64 and amd64 instead of the -arm
suffix. That way I can leave my install as 12.0-latest
and everything should work as expected.
Same here, please provide arm64 images
The arm version has been uploaded.
Amazing thank you! I’d be happy to discuss implementing a build pipeline for automatically building these images when there is a GH release etc.?
Could we also get the arm build for seafile-pro-mc (Docker/Harbor) v12 please?
i had patched the build script that was previously used for this to work with v11 a while ago, but it was never merged:
you could test if it still works with v12, then you could easily build images on your own machine. i use this with ansible to have more control over the build steps.
Great solution, but unfortunately I’m using the “pro” version which as far as I know is closed source
We already have such a script internally. It is only a matter of release strategy.
We will release the pro edition with ARM build in the next week.
Is there a timeline for the release of the arm version? I’m very excited and waiting for it.
The arm version for community edition is already pushed. Do you arm version for pro edition?
yes! I was just trying to install the seafile ro and it turned out that there was only an x86 version, and it would be a great time and good thing if an arm version of seafile pro could be released now!
Yes, waiting for the arm version of the pro version
Thank you for the arm build!