Windows Client crash and wont open

Win10 with client version 6.1.4. Server version 6.0.7.
We have a customer that the client crashed and will not open anymore. It states that it is already running and asks if you want to kill it and start a new one. Nothing happens when selecting yes. The same message reappears. Reinstalling the client does not fix the issue and there is only this single user logged in.

Has anyone ran into a similar problem?

Here’s a bit of the seafile.log when the issue started:

[01/22/18 07:49:23] sync-mgr.c(660): Repo 'My Library' sync state transition from 'committing' to 'initializing'. [01/22/18 10:57:32] pgpipe failed to connect socket: 10060 [01/22/18 10:57:32] pipe error: No error [01/22/18 10:57:32] sync-mgr.c(2779): Failed to schedule check local locked files [01/22/18 10:57:53] pgpipe failed to connect socket: 10060 [01/22/18 10:57:53] pipe error: No error [01/22/18 10:57:53] sync-mgr.c(728): Repo 'xxxx' sync state transition from synchronized to 'error': 'Failed to get sync info from server.'.


``[01/22/18 12:29:09]starting ccnet: ("-c", “C:/Users/xxxx/ccnet”)
[01/22/18 12:29:10]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:12]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:14]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:16]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:18]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:20]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:22]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…

[01/22/18 12:29:24]trying to connect to ccnet daemon…``

This issue started with Client version 6.0.0, then updated to 6.1.4 and the issue was still present.