Seafile Community Edition 12.0 is production ready! New Navigation and Viewing Experience, Enhanced SeaDoc Functions, New Knowledge Base and More

Hello, Seafile enthusiasts! We’re excited to announce that Seafile Community Edition 12.0 is production ready. This version brings a host of improvements that will make your daily work more efficient and convenient, including a brand-new navigation experience, enhanced image viewing, and a fully upgraded SeaDoc, now at version 1.0, among other great features.

Let’s dive into the details.

1. UI Modernization

1.1 Fresh Navigation & View Experience

In this update, we’ve given the navigation structure a complete makeover. The “My Libraries,” “Shared with Me,” and “Group Libraries” options have been combined into a single “Files” navigation item. This change allows you to see all your libraries on one page, significantly simplifying library management.

The sidebar can now be collapsed or expanded, and its width can be manually adjusted to suit your preferences.

Grid view presents files and data in a more intuitive and efficient manner, helping you find what you need faster and boosting your productivity.

1.2 File Details Sidebar: Information at a Glance

Click on the “Properties Details” icon in the toolbar to bring up the file details sidebar. This sidebar presents file information, such as size, last modified by, and modification time, in a more visually appealing way. It gives users a more comprehensive understanding of the file, enhancing their grasp of file attributes and improving operational efficiency.

1.3 File Preview and Thumbnails

The image viewing experience and others have been upgraded to meet the diverse needs of users.

• Support rotate, download, delete, view raw image from image preview UI

• Support preview and generating thumbnails for HEIC format

• Support generating thumbnails for PDF files and videos

• Open Markdown files in a pop-up window instead of a new tab

• Unified the look and feel of toolbars for the viewer/editor for various file types (e.g.pdf, markdown, txt)

1.4. New Trash Bin and Library History

Trash bin and library history are now shown in a pop-up dialog.

2. New manual and new deployment architecture

In Seafile 12.0, we also made significant improvements to both our administration manual and deployment architecture.

The manual has been re-organized to have a much cleaner structure. Obsolete contents have been deleted and all remaining pages have been revised.

Major architectural changes include:

  • Implementation of Caddy as a dedicated reverse proxy for HTTPS handling

  • Migration of the notification server to a separate Docker image

  • Improved network configuration through dedicated reverse proxy, enabling better component isolation and management

  • Streamlined configuration process using environment variables, eliminating redundant settings across multiple config files

These changes simplify deployment while providing greater flexibility for custom setups.

3. SeaDoc is now production ready

As one of Seafile’s core functions, SeaDoc has also been comprehensively enhanced in this update. In general, SeaDoc has been upgraded to version 1.0. It has optimized interfaces, a shortcut link function, export and collaboration capabilities, and enhanced table functions.

4. New wiki function: Create an efficient knowledge base

To meet users’ needs for knowledge management, we have added a wiki function. Users can now create and manage a knowledge base for easy team information sharing and collaborative editing. This function not only improves team collaboration efficiency but also realizes efficient knowledge management and access.


Seafile Community Edition 12.0 is production ready. Come give it a try and let us know what you think! Your input is crucial to us, and we welcome your feedback to help us continuously improve our product. Let’s work together to make Seafile even better!


The corresponding video for Seafile v12.0:

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Will Seafile 12 be provides only as Docker Installation, or will there be a common tar file provided here soon?

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There will be a tar file provided later.

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The link returns to the forum. The distribution itself is missing.

As @daniel.pan said above, there’s nothing to download from that site yet. “The tar file will be provided later”. If you follow the steps to install the docker version docker will download the image from dockerhub, if you want the not-docker version it will be released later.

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Hi, thanks for this news!

I just tried on a test server a migration from seafile 11 CE (binary) to seafile 12 CE (docker), with success, thanks for the work!

But I can’t find the ability to share a file with a link for anonymous edition in collabora, as @daniel.pan said in this message. Is this feature really released in seafile 12 CE or not?

(maybe I didn’t find an option to enable it?)

Thanks for you work and answer!

Sorry, found it! It’s under the « download link » name, which is somehow confusing (maybe a « download or edit link » would be a better label?
Thanks for providing this long-wanted feature to the Community Edition!

I think there is a bug in the Collabora integration: I have the interface in english, even if the language of the Seafile interface is in French…
I didn’t have this bug in Seafile CE 11.

Testing Seafile CE v12.0 on ARM64. Do we have an ETA for seadoc /sdoc-server on ARM64 please?


We will give it a check later.

Thanks for the suggestion. We will add ARM64 version of sdoc-server in February.

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How to add a public library in Seafile Pro 12.0.8? I logged in with the administrator account but couldn’t find the option to add it.

Do you mean “shared with all” libraries?

I believe so. I have also configured the can_add_public_repo setting mentioned in the Wiki. According to the wiki, “The can_add_public_repo option will not take effect if you configure global CLOUD_MODE = True,” and I haven’t configured CLOUD_MODE = True either.

In the shared with all tab, I can add a public library as shown in the screenshot below:


Thank you very much! I never noticed there was a collapsible button there.

I just had a test-run of version 12 in my virtualbox server and noticed that nginx is still present in the seafile docker file. Why do we need another reverse proxy (caddy) in front of that? Or, in other words, why did you not get rid of nginx within seafile when using caddy as a separate reverse proxy?? Doesn’t make any sense to me to have two reverse proxys cascaded? Strange setup…

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In our design, the Nginx server within the Seafile container acts as a reverse proxy to aggregate traffic from different internal components. This architecture allows the Seafile container to expose only port 80 to external networks, simplifying the container’s network interface.

Caddy serves as the HTTPS termination point, providing TLS/SSL encryption for incoming connections. Caddy can be readily substituted with alternative HTTPS termination solutions based on specific deployment requirements.

It also make it easy to deploy multiple seafile containers behind a load balance.